How do I submit a manuscript?
We don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts. If you’d like to submit that work you’ve finally finished slaving over, please email us first on with a synopsis, a sample chapter, an idea of who you think will buy the book, some rough ideas of how you plan to promote it and details of your social media profiles.
What currency will I be charged in?
Please note that the currency used throughout the site is British Pounds Sterling (£) unless specifically stated otherwise.
What about shipping costs?
If you’re visiting our website from outside the UK – welcome! We love having you here, and please do hang around and watch the interviews, read the blogs and browse the books, but when it comes to ordering, while we can ship internationally (if that’s what you really, really want) expensive international postal costs plus the likelihood of import taxes might bump up the price of your heart’s desire, But you don’t have to miss out – you might find it cheaper to buy from your usual bookseller, or from your local Amazon (which we know people love or hate). We’ve also started a list – see below – of country specific websites you can try. We’re adding to this all the time, so please do let us know if you find somewhere useful that isn’t currently on the list as it will really help other visitors.
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UK shipping costs and services
Orders are usually dispatched using Royal Mail, whose charges and services can on occasion change faster than you can order a soya latte, so it can be tricky keeping the prices correct on the website. Rest assured that we will always ship the fastest way possible for the amount you have paid. If you specifically want your order sent out on a super-speedy or special service please email us at
We are VAT registered in the UK but note that that books and magazines are zero VAT items in the UK so for the majority of items there is no sales tax. Please contact us if you have any queries regarding tax and your order
What if I change my mind?
We will replace, exchange goods or offer refunds within a reasonable period if you are not satisfied with your purchases or if they are damaged upon receipt. Where goods are returned as not wanted this does depend on them being sent back in resaleable condition. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure of your purchase.