Patricia L. Walsh

Patricia L. Walsh is a graduate of the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology and is a certified Evolutionary Astrologer. She is also a certified Deep Memory Process (DMP) practitioner and Chief US trainer for Dr Roger Woolger’s school of Deep Memory Process.
Along with astrology, she specializes in multi-dimensional healing focusing on resolving present and past life traumas. This work is based in Shamanic principles including: Soul Retrieval/Fragmentation, Spirit Release, Ancestral and Earthbound Spirit Work, synthesizing intuitive hands-on work with therapeutic approaches.

For interviews and a discussion about her chart go to her author page.

You can read more about her work on her website


Discovering Past Life Regression Therapy & The Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Patricia Walsh

Ana Isabel of Lightways Astrology talks to Patricia about her chart.

Ana Isabel of Lightways Astrology talks to Patricia about using past life regression with evolutionary astrology - and what comes up in the process

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