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The Horoscope in Manifestation: Psychology and Prediction

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This is a reprint of the original version from the CPA Press. Bridging the apparent gap between psychological and predictive astrology is not easy, and many astrologers feel they must polarise and espouse one while rejecting the other.
The seminars in this innovative volume explore the psychological dynamics which accompany concrete events, focusing on the important psychological model of the complex as both a generator of individual behaviour and an archetypal image of individual fate. This book offers profound insights into the ways in which inner and outer reality coincide and reflect each other.

For a fascinating discussion between Ana Isabel and Anne Whitaker on this book, go here.

Liz Greene

Liz Greene

Liz Greene has been a professional astrologer for nearly sixty years. She holds doctorates in both psychology and history and is a qualified Jungian a...

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