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The Family Inheritance: Parental Patterns in the Horoscope

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The two seminars in this reprinted volume present the complex astrology of family dynamics in a clear, insightful and sympathetic way. The stories of our family backgrounds portrayed in the birth horoscope are also images of our own development and destiny, illuminated by the ancient and ever-living characters of myth. Parents are both patterns and modes of perception, and Juliet Sharman-Burke’s extensive experience as both a psychotherapist and an astrologer allows her to develop with great clarity and empathy the ways in which the past reveals itself in the present and the future, and how we can best express our family inheritance in creative rather than destructive ways. Part One explores the planets as parental significators, each with its accompanying myths, while Part Two examines the myths of the zodiac signs as they are expressed through our perception of our parents. Students of astrology will appreciate the practical and accessible manner in which profound themes are related to everyday life, while experienced astrological practitioners can benefit from the many insights into the fundamental importance of the parental images in the horoscope.

Sharman-Burke has a warm, inviting, light touch, and she is well at home with myths and their contemporary players. I would highly recommend this book to those beginning a serious investigation of psychological astrology…It is rich reading.’
Mary Plumb, The Mountain Astrologer

Juliet Sharman-Burke

Juliet Sharman-Burke

Juliet Sharman-Burke has been practising astrology and tarot for over twenty years. She has been teaching and supervising for the Centre for Psycholog...

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