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Understanding Karmic Complexes - Evolutionary Astrology and Regression Therapy

Understanding Karmic Complexes – Evolutionary Astrology and Regression Therapy – Hardback

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While studying Evolutionary Astrology (pioneered by Jeff Wolf Green), regression therapist Patricia Walsh realized that the potent combination of regression therapy and Evolutionary Astrology show us how the challenges and difficulties we face today are Indicated in the natal chart, and also are very much rooted in the past. This book brings the astrological archetypes to life in a way you have not seen them before. Using many case histories from clients’ own past life recalls compared to their natal charts, the author shows how knowledge of previous lives can enable us to grow, and thus remove the blocks which stop us from manifesting our true potential.
Also available in paperback.
An eBook version is available through the usual online sellers: iBooks, Nook, Googlebooks and Amazon.
See Pluto Volumes I and II and Essays on Evolutionary Astrology by Jeffrey Green
Also Evolutionary Astrology by Deva Green

Patricia L. Walsh

Patricia L. Walsh

Patricia L. Walsh is a graduate of the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology and is a certified Evolutionary Astrologer. She is also a c...

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