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Evolutionary Astrology

Evolutionary Astrology

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As the indicator of transformation and the starting point for understanding all factors in the natal chart, Pluto is one of the most important planets to focus on in chart analysis. Inspired by the bestselling  Pluto Volumes 1 and 2 by the author’s father, Jeffrey Wolf Green – renowned astrologer and founder of Evolutionary Astrology – this groundbreaking book takes that original work to new heights and makes the study of Evolutionary Astrology clear and practical for modern-day use. This inspiring book teaches you the key essentials of chart interpretation by focusing on Pluto and the locations of your north and south nodes, so you can figure out the steps you need to take in order to grow-and ultimately discover your soul’s karmic mission.
See also Essays on Evolutionary Astrology by Jeff Green

Deva Green

Deva Green

Deva Green is the daughter of the founder of Evolutionary Astrology, Jeffery Wolf Green. Jeffery is the author of Pluto Volume 1: The Evolutionary...

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In this book, Deva Green does a wonderful job of describing Pluto’s and the Lunar Nodes’ meaning in individual charts and how they help us to better understand our soul’s evolutionary journey. Deva is thorough and detailed in her writing. This is a great book for those wanting to learn more about evolutionary astrology. Ana Isabel for Lightways Astrology

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