Darrelyn Gunzburg

To say that Darrelyn Gunzburg is multi-talented would be a bit of an understatement. In AstroGraphology: The hidden link between your horoscope and your handwriting, she combines her experience as an astrologer and a graphologist to show that just as a ripple in a pond spreads outwards, so does the apparently insignificant act of changing one letter in your handwriting change the course of your life. Yes. Really. Her popular workshop, The 7-Day ‘F’ Challenge, covers some of the points from the book and is available on our Youtube channel.

In Life After Grief: An Astrological Guide to Dealing with Loss Darrelyn combines her unique insight into bereavement with the journey of her clients through grief, using their astrological charts as a guide. The first part of this book is non-astrological and there were many requests from  bereavement support organisations for her to broaden the remit and write a whole book on the subject. Darrelyn was happy to oblige and the result of this is Grief: A Dark, Sacred Timewhich attracted some beautiful reviews. “This book brings me to my knees” and “this was the best book by far in helping me deal with my bereavement” are particular favourites.

In a sense, this book opened the floodgates, because Covid and all its emotional implications came along shortly afterwards, prompting us to create a beautiful video with Darrelyn on the subject of Coping With Coronavirus in Lockdown. As we still face testing times the video becomes ever more relevant – it’s available over on our Youtube channel.

Grief: A Dark Sacred Time also marks a new venture for us as it is the first of our books available as an audiobook, recorded by Darrelyn herself. It’s available on Amazon.

Darrelyn Gunzburg has a PhD in History of Art (University of Bristol) and a BA Hons (Open) from the Open University. She is co-principle of Astro Logos Ltd and is a professional consulting and teaching astrologer. Darrelyn has taught for the Department of History of Art at the University of Bristol and now teaches on the distance learning course run by the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK. Her research interests lie in the art historical and visual astronomical exploration of frescos and sculpture in medieval Italy, and medieval Italian building alignments, as well as how, in contemporary western astrology, meaning is derived from natal horoscopes.

Darrelyn’s academic publications include The Imagined Sky: cultural perspectives, Equinox Publishing (forthcoming 2016) and ‘Giotto’s Sky: The fresco paintings of the first floor Salone of the Palazzo della Ragione, Padua, Italy.’ Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 7:4 (2013): 407-433. She has also written extensively for The Art Book (Wiley-Blackwell) and Cassone: The International Online Magazine of Art and Art Books. Her astrological publications are: (editor) Under Capricorn: An Anthology of Australian Astrology (1990), Life After Grief: An Astrological Guide to Dealing with Loss (2004), AstroGraphology, the hidden link between your horoscope and your handwriting (2009), and co-author of the monthly Visual Astrology Newsletter (2005-2012).


Moving Beyond Tears - Darrelyn talks to Ana Isabel about the ways that the birth chart can offer clues to help us deal with grief.

The 7-Day 'F' Challenge. Changing just one letter in the way you write could literally change your life....

Using a backdrop of powerful images and music, Darrelyn explores ways we can navigate through these difficult times.

In 'The Very Individual Matter of Grief' Ana Isabel and Darrelyn discuss the different ways we can approach this long and challenging journey.


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