Judy Hall

Sadly Judy is no longer with us, but her life’s work continues to support and sustain us as we investigate our connections with each other. A trained healer and counsellor, Judy was psychic all her life and had a wide experience of many systems of divination and natural healing methods.

Judy had a B.Ed in Religious Studies with an extensive knowledge of world religions and mythology and an M.A. in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at Bath Spa University. Her mentor was Christine Hartley (Dion Fortune’s metaphysical colleague and literary agent). Her specialities were past life readings and regression; soul healing, reincarnation, astrology and psychology, divination and crystal lore.

Judy appeared four times in the Watkins list of the 100 most influencial spiritual living writers and was voted the 2014 Kindred Spirit MBS personality of the year.

Judy’s books published by  The Wessex Astrologer are: Patterns of the Past: The Birthchart, Karma and Reincarnation; Karmic Connections: The Birthchart, Karma and Relationships.

And her non-astrological books through our sister imprint Flying Horse Books are:

Good VibrationsJudy Hall’s Book of Psychic DevelopmentThe Soulmate Myth: A Dream Come True or Your Worst Nightmare?; and The Book of Why: Understanding Your Soul’s Journey.


Soulmate Myth – A Dream Come True or Your Worst Nightmare?


Soulmates are both a powerful fact and one of the biggest illusions of all time. This new book from the best selling author of The Crystal Bible draws on Judy Hall’s thirty five years as a karmic counsellor examining karmic relationships in general and soulmates in particular. It explains why meeting a soulmate can be a soul-scouring experience and what the karmic lessons and conundrums may be. Offering exercises and visualisations to heal the past, it then introduces the revolutionary new concept of twinflames: soulmates without the karma.

Karmic Connections – The Birthchart, Karma and Relationships


At last the long awaited companion volume to the very popular ‘Patterns of the Past’. Judy Hall explores how relationships from previous lives can still have great power in this one. Based on practical experience and including a selection of case histories she demonstrates why we get together with the people we do and how this can be both positive and negative. She also includes an important chapter on how to release ourselves from vows and promises that are no longer appropriate.

Judy Hall’s Good Vibrations


In this indispensable guide, Judy Hall shows you how to harness the power of your mind and intention together with crystals and flower essences to enhance your energies and your environment. Nothing in the book takes more than twenty minutes of your time and the benefits are incalculable. With simple exercises, visualisations, rituals, ‘quick fixes’, crystal grids and layouts, you will soon learn to contain and cleanse your energy field and enjoy life surrounded by good vibrations.

Judy Hall’s Book of Psychic Development


Judy Hall has been practising and teaching psychic development for over 45 years, and her new book, Judy Hall’s Book of Psychic Development disseminates what she has learnt during that time. You will learn how to safely develop your intuition and psychic awareness through exercises that include accessing the Akashic Records, meeting your spiritual guide, astral travelling and interpreting the signals and prompts given in everyday life. There is also a section on the scientific proof that psychic abilities are now being taken seriously and a chapter on what to do if things go wrong. Sound and solid advice from a true professional.

The Book of Why – Understanding your Soul’s Journey


More than half the world’s population believe in karma and reincarnation, however, from interlife exploration, it is clear that there are souls who still have a connection with a previous life that is way past its sell-by date. There are also souls who have chosen to undergo a specific life experience because they want to cultivate their soul or to offer service to humanity. In this wide-ranging book, Judy Hall encompasses the vast kaleidoscope of karma and interlife choices.

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